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Zemu Apparel is clothing created and designed exclusively by Straight from the Zemu glacier, the largest glacier in the Eastern Himalaya, this furry abominable snowman friend of ours feels right at home on our WinterKids hooded sweatshirts, socks, hats, equipment bags, t-shirts and mitten clips.
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Zemu clothing, like our hooded sweatshirts and t-shirts, are perfect for hanging out at the lodge after a long ski day and are fun, cozy and feature the fearless yeti tearing it up on either skis or a snowboard. Zemu socks are great for keeping little toes toasty on a cold winter’s day. Kids love wearing Zemu hats to the ski resort or even to recess on days when the air is bitter cold. Zemu proudly represents Kinderlift equipment bags, which are big enough to carry all your child’s gear, including skis and poles. Zemu mitten clips are essential for not ever having to replace a pair of lost mittens or gloves again!
Known for being a friendly and courageous adventurer, the thrill-seeking Zemu is always looking for a friendly person or two he can ski with down the steepest descents and biggest jumps on the ski hill. Be sure to watch out on the slopes for this yeti, which often resembles a full force tornado of snow, skis, and fur.
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